Isn't it wonderful when you meet someone whose eyes shine? You don't often meet them, but when you do, they have a real impact. When you are with them, when you talk with them, you can see something wonderful, deep in their eyes ... a sort of light, an energy, an excitement, a joyfulness ! they have eyes that are shining, sparkling.
Shiny-eyed people have a presence. They often draw the gaze of all in the room because everyone enjoys being around them, everyone wants to be near them ... because we all know, don't we, that shiny eyes are infectious. If we stay close to shining eyes long enough ! our own eyes begin to shine too.
Isn't this our purpose ... to make sure that our children's eyes shine ... that our families' eyes shine ... that our friend's eyes shine ... that our own eyes shine? Even more so in the particularly gloomy and depressing world of today.
So, if this is our purpose, how do we make eyes shine? How do we keep them shining?
Who are we being ... as parents, as friends, as teachers, as children ... if eyes are not shining?
05 Nov 24
The single most significant factor determining the quality of education a student receives is the quality of their teacher. So, what makes a brilliant teacher? ...
03 Nov 24
As a parent, navigating your child's educational journey can feel overwhelming. One critical component of this journey is understanding the Primary National Curriculum. T...
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