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Yes, some grammar schools in the UK also do 13 + exams. The 13+ exam is a selective entrance examination that students take in order to gain admission into Year 9. The exam assesses students' abilities in English, mathematics, and reasoning, and is used to determine which students have the potential to succeed academically at the grammar school level.

Yes, teachers are allowed to tutor in the UK. However, they must ensure that their tutoring does not interfere with their primary teaching duties. Additionally, teachers must also ensure that they comply with all relevant legislation, including child protection and safeguarding regulations.

Tips for choosing a good English tutor:

  1. Consider your goals: Determine what you want to achieve through English tutoring. Knowing your goals will help you find a tutor that is specialised in that area.
  2. Look for credentials: Ensure the tutor is qualified to teach English. A bachelor's degree in English, TESOL certification, or other related qualifications can be an indicator of the tutor's expertise.
  3. Check references: Ask for references from former students or other sources. This can give you an idea of the tutor's teaching style and the results they have achieved.
  4. Consider teaching style: Different tutors have different teaching styles. Make sure to choose a tutor who has a style that fits your learning style.
  5. Ask about experience: Choose a tutor who has experience teaching English to non-native speakers. This will ensure that the tutor is familiar with the challenges you may face.
  6. Consider accessibility: Make sure the tutor is available at a time that works for you. Also, consider the cost of the tutoring sessions.
  7. Schedule a trial session: Schedule a trial session with the tutor to see if you are comfortable with their teaching style and if they can meet your needs.
  8. Look for passion: A tutor passionate about teaching and helping you succeed will be more effective. Choose a tutor who has a positive attitude and a love for teaching.